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Trapped in His Body With a Terrible Secret….They Were Shocked When He Told Them the Truth

Martin’s wedding day was one of the best days of his life

Finally, the boy whose childhood and teen years were taken from him found love as an adult. He married Joanna in 2009, in Essex, United Kingdom. The pair had met online. Pistorius lives in England and works as a web designer. The wedding day was his most cherished memory. “As I sat with my father waiting for Joanna’s arrival in a horse-drawn carriage, I contemplated the vows I was about to make: ‘For better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, ’til death do us part,’” wrote Pistorius. “I would never say words that meant more.” In 2015, he chronicled his incredible journey in the book Ghost Boy.

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