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15 Awkward Family Photos Re-Created

There’s nothing more nostalgic than looking through an old family album and reminiscing about great moments of the past. Most people probably get a huge kick out of some of the awkward family photos, with their odd poses, horrible sweaters and dated hairstyles. Today’s families sometimes try to recreate the old photos, hilariously updating them and even sharing the new awkward photos online. We now present the 15 funniest old and new photographs that we could find.

Friends for Life

Dynamic duo

These two guys had no problem recreating their favorite childhood activity: eating sloppy chocolate ice cream. The duo gets high marks for recreating the clothes, including the vintage Disney visor.

13 Years Later

Sibling love

Three siblings made a half-hearted attempt to recreate this childhood photograph, now with more hair on their heads and even some facial hair. They may not have nailed it completely, but at least their sister still has the same winning smile.


Cranky pants

This guy went the extra mile to recreate his cranky baby pic. Inquiring minds want to know whether the walls in that bedroom have ever been repainted, or did he just use photoshop for that background.


18 Thanksgivings After the Fact

Happy Thanksgiving

This family of five recreated a Thanksgiving Day picture, with just as much mugging from the camera. The funniest part about this one is that the baby of the family is now too big for the couch. Bonus points should be given for the excellent recreations of the facial expressions.

Ellen and Prom Date All Grown Up

Mr. Wrong

Ellen DeGeneres enlisted her old prom date to recreate that special, very 1970s night. Her date went from beautiful feathered hair to almost no hair, while Ellen went from having a boyfriend to having a wife.

All Treed Up

Mature trees

These two have certainly grown up since they took the first photograph, but the biggest surprise in this one is just how distinguished that baby tree looks now that it is all treed up.


Hi mom

This fine young man surprised his mother by redoing what was probably her favorite childhood photograph. It appears that she had him dress up in his finest German Oktoberfest outfit. He did an outstanding job.


Party of four

These four siblings recreated their old pose on top of the family car with their dog. Sadly, their dog is no longer with them, but he has been replaced by a new pup. The vintage car, however, appears to be the very same one.

Dad and Son

Father and son time

This dad and son re-did their classic photograph in the local park, but they totally picked the wrong season. Is it just me or does the father seem not to have aged a day in all those years?

From 2 to 484

The more things change

This guy was just two months old when he made his first adorable derp face. Now that mom can proudly say he is 484 months old, he is still making great faces, this time with 90% more body hair.

Officer Friendly

The law won

This young girl was so determined to be a police officer when she grew up that she posed for a picture in a uniform, complete with a German shepherd plush doll. Unlike all the kids who never became the athletes they dressed as on Halloween, this lady succeeded at becoming an officer, this time with a real dog!

Boys Are Back in Town

Boys II Men

These kids look like friends for life, just like the whippersnappers in Stand By Me. Now they’ve reunited to take the exact same photograph, with inconsistent results. They would’ve aced this picture had they used the same clothing.

Mother’s Day

By the nose

There’s an old saying that “you can pick your friends, just don’t pick your nose.” This boy clearly hasn’t learned his lesson on that score. He and his sister recreated their classic all-red pose, complete with nose-picking, for their mom this past Mother’s Day.


A joyful noise

Now this looks like a young man with a lot of singing ability. I wonder if that’s what mom thought when her little man was yukking it up for the cameras as a toddler?

Perfect Re-creation


This dad and his three sons did a bang-up job of recreating a photograph of them in front of a church back in the 1980s. The impressive attention to detail, from the clothing to the knee socks to the hand positions, is worth giving them the trophy for Best New Awkward Family Photo. And dad managed to hold his youngest son without falling down!

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