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Surreal Image Artist Justin Peters Makes Mind-Boggling Art

Photographer Justin Peters makes mind-bending images inspired by nature, technology and great artists. In creating imaginative images with photoshop, he keeps in mind a quote by Pablo Picasso: “Everything you can imagine is real”

Peters draws inspiration from his own dreams and the unexpected ways they clash with reality. He makes surreal photo manipulations in a desire to show people how they can change the world, and that anything could come to fruition if you imagine it.

Peters didn’t learn Photoshop until 2015, when he purchased his first camera. He wanted to edit some basic photos of a forest in his hometown. Peters quickly realized he didn’t want to just make the forest look greener; he wanted to transform eh forest into something else. After he learned some techniques from YouTube tutorials and books, he started to create exciting images, uploading them to 500px and eventually to Instagram. These apps were exciting for Peter’s, since he discovered other artists and photographers who again inspired him to be unique in his own work. Petes often mixed daytime photos with nighttime photos to great effect.

In July of 2016, Peters entered a photography contest for the first time. The contents required participants to edit photos that had been taken by someone else. Peters started using photos taken by other people. Although he did not win the contest, it taught him that he wanted to keep striving to learn even more. Peters did this by uploading stock images to his computer and making creative edits every single day.

This helped Peters reach his ultimate goal to work with huge corporations. He has now done work for companies like Adobe or Puma sometimes. Peters’ beautiful photographs are an inspiration for people who want to goal for their dreams.

Two Worlds

A man stands above and below natural cave structures

This photograph shows a man above and below a cave.


A gorgeous shot of a whale on the moona

Peters has a passion for whales. Here he took a whale to the moon.



Carousel flying through the air

Everyone loves a carousel, but this one is a ride that seems to have flown straight into space.

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